Comcast Cable Box Onscreen Guide Menu

I believe I have gotten spoiled by the database. I use databases so often in my every day life that I just expect to be able to slice and dice data any way I want it. Sort it and filter it however, and most importantly only look at what I want to look at. Imagine for a moment if all Citysearch could do is show you every restaurant in their database all at once and had no idea to minimize the list by cuisine or neighborhood. Imagine if your cell phone only had one menu layer and everything was listed. Your life would be all about scrolling. Thankfully, we don’t have to deal with that…except for on my Comcast cable set-top box guide. Argh!
Here’s a thought. I’d like to see Comcast roll out a new on-screen guide that would allow me to set a preference to only show channels that I am subscribed to. I’m to the point where I feel like I’m chasing a moving target. Every time I sit down to watch something I choose a channel that says, “Subscription required…” I’m pretty sure my setup even changes what channels I have access to on a monthly basis to just keep me guessing. It’s very annoying and I usually give up. (Thank god for Netflix) In addition to this filter, I’d also like to see the ability to customize my menu. For example, does everyone have their local network’s FCC call letters memorized? Can’t they just put NBC on the menu?
Just a thought. Hey Comcast, give me a holler if you want to sit down and draft up some new requirements. 🙂

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